1000 Möjligheter (or "1000 Opportunities" in English), is a foundation with the goal of an equal society free from violence.

If you are under the age of 25 and are looking for help and support regarding dating violence or prostitution, please send an email to mottagningen@1000mojligheter.se and we will get back to you within 24 hours during week-days. 

dating violence

We believe that in order to reach our goal a key is to provide all young people with the abilities to have healthy relationships, that is why one of our focus-areas is dating violence. Our target-group in this work is young people the age of 12-22 and we offer support and help to both victims, perpetrators and friends. 

In February 2019 we will open the first national help-line in Sweden aimed at helping young people and preventing dating violence. The helpline will be open every evening and is available both for victims, perpetrators and friends. There will also be a website with information and knowledge on different types of violence, how a healthy relationship can look like and other useful information on the subject of dating violence. The help-line is founded by the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority.


We also work with violence-prevention and we know that one of the most effective ways to stop violence is to change destructive masculinity norms. One way of doing this is online chatgroups for boys age 13-19 where they, together with a facilitator, have talks once a week on different themes such as relationships, sex, violence, family, masculinity and porn. We do believe that it is crucial in all preventive work against violence to tackle the mainstream-pornography. “Because when kids learn about sex from porn, they're learning to accept male domination and female objectification” as Megan Murphy once put it. We can not expect to be successful in our combat against sexual harassment and rape until we confront porn culture and prostitution.


Prostitution is another of the foundation’s focus-areas. Our target-group in this work is young people up to the age of 25 of all genders. We have a national chat-helpline which provide support and help for young people in prostitution and also run a therapeutic centre in Stockholm where young people in prostitution can get help, advice and therapy.

We also educate professionals on the subject of young people in prostitution. All of our work with young people in prostitution are based on our experience of helping and supporting the target group and their experiences shared with us. They are of all ages varying from 14-25. Some of them identify as men and some as transgendered, the majority identify as girls and women. Many of them are LGBTQ.

More on our work on the issue can be found in the report "Pornography and prostitution - a report on exploitation and demand".

We are strong advocates for the Swedish model that focus on demand and punish the sex-buyer but never the seller. The motif behind the Swedish model is one of equality and that prostitution is a form of men's violence against women, even though of course we acknowledge that both women, men, children and transgendered people are also bought in prostitution and trafficking. The Swedish model stress the undeniable link between prostitution and trafficking and we believe that these two can never be separated. If you want to tackle trafficking you also have to tackle prostitution. We have had many study-visits by, and done lectures for, authorities, MPs and NGO:s from around the world, interested in the Swedish model.

Contact us by email at info@1000mojligheter.se or phone +46(0)70 955 31 53

Our founder and secretary-general Zandra Kanakaris can be reached at zandra@1000mojligheter.se